This was in an art gallery downtown during an art walk on Friday night. Andrew is in the background blowing glass, mom is wearing wicked cool purple tinted glasses.
Dali, mom and I took to the parkway on Saturday to see the rhododendrons. We were a little early, but there were some out!
Craggy Gardens is just lovely!
Mom wanted me to take a picture with the tunnel behind me. This is what she got. :)
Sunday we went to Biltmore House and gardens. It was warm and beautiful and we had so much fun! Plenty to see and do here!
These beans caught my eye, not sure what they are but they're cool!
Teeny mom next to mega house!
Check it out, it's a castle!
This turtle has a drooling problem
As you can see, we had lots of fun. I got three days off of work so I was able to spend quality time with her. And we got a new bed for me which is just wonderful as my old bed was bad for my back and stuff. She got to meet some of my friends and I got to hug her and talk about life with her. All good things.
Life talks are good but open up the door of what to do next. I've been thinking about that, about options and choices and romance and things along those lines. Future and past and why we feel the way we feel about certain things. I've also been trying to have a wider world view, a way of looking at things from all angles. So often I get caught up in the negative in a certain situation, when there is always another, positive way to see it. I need to remember this as it's a path to happiness.
I had some car trouble taking mom to the airport on Tuesday, and I called this lady and she dropped everything to save us:
This is what Kate McNally looks like when exhaustion hits her...
And so we got mom to the airport, got my car home, and decided that after all that mess we had to do this:
And it was good. It ended up being a pretty good day all in all.
Today is the full moon and Friday the 13th and I'm sitting at home writing and wishing the sky would clear so I could take advantage of this cool phenomenon. Instead it's rainy and thunderstormy. Very Ashevillian.
Hope all are doing well and are happy!
Shanti Elena