I've been absent for a long time and thought I should drop in to let you all know that I'm alive, that I haven't abandoned this endeavor completely, and that the adventure continues although it's definitely calmed a bit since the full time work thing began.
I'm still working at HomeGauge software, talking to Home Inspectors on the phone daily, trying to teach them how to use computers. It's entertaining and frustrating all wrapped into one.
I moved to Canton NC in March, into a cute little place with wood floors and two bedrooms and all my own. It's downtown on the top of a hill in a lovely old neighborhood with magnolia trees and statuary and flowers and stone walls everywhere. Walks through the hilly terrain are very lovely and peaceful. Last night Thomas and I got caught in a thunderstorm on one of these walks and by the time we got home we looked like drowned rats. It was very refreshing. (Cold)
The town is interesting, because it centers around a giant paper mill that belches steam day and night, for all the world looking like an apocalyptic futuristic city. The downtown portion of the town is in a severe depression, with businesses closed or closing everywhere you look. Yet the neighborhoods are lovely, the local library beside the cemetery at the top of the hill modern and large. It's a mystery.
Last week I visited the Northwest for what felt like a moment but was in actuality a week. I hadn't been home since August last year and I was mighty homesick and ready to see my friends and family. I got to know Chloe and Audrey all over again. Chloe is 4 and in preschool, Audrey a feisty beautiful 2 year old. They were wonderful. I also got to see my sister and meet her very charming boyfriend Patrick. That was such a treat as well.
This coming weekend I'm driving up to Ohio to a cousin's wedding and Thomas will get to meet my dad. I'm looking forward to seeing more family there.
Last but not least in my world, I've been ordered to post the next installment of my book. I have not been working on it nearly as much as I need to be, and I'm duly chastened. I could blame working full time, having a full time boyfriend, or any such other thing but it all comes down to me being a slacker, and for that I apologize.
Until next time, which I hope will be much sooner than 5 months...
Shanti Elena