In other news, I recently got my hair fixed from that weird tiered cut to a better one. I actually have some bangs, albeit long ones...
In celebration of Earth Day we went to the little Kava bar downtown last night. We being Molly, Kate and I. Kava, for those who don't know, is a root from some islands somewhere that acts as a relaxant/mood enhancer. It tasted like dirt and spices, very bitter, but they served it with pineapple to cut that.
I basically just shot each cup.
Kate and Molly flashing the "K" for Kava!
The effect were pretty immediate, and the best way I can think to describe it is like being stoned and on muscle relaxers but without the fuzziness. And it makes your tongue numb. Fascinating stuff, fun experience!
Not much else going on. Went mad grocery shopping today and my reliable little honda hit 200,000 miles. Love me those hondas! I promise that I'll post some more story soon, the reason for the delay is that I no longer get to just transcribe it...I have to write it! But it will be done soon.
Love you all, miss you all!
Shanti Elena
This is a test...