A dissertation on men and my feelings toward them at this moment.
First of all, you are not all bad. I don't want to sound like a raving lunatic who hates men. The truth is, I love men. I love their arms and their hands and their conversation and the way they make me laugh and the way they make me blush and the way the vast majority of them are taller than me. I love cuddling on the couch and laughing at inanities and cooking with and for you and all of that goodness. Sex isn't so bad either.
The problem is, and it's a rather large one from where I'm sitting, is that a lot men have forgotten how to be men. They've forgotten the power that comes with it, the decision making, the opening of doors, the masculinity of the whole damn thing. When asked what they want to do, more often than not they turn it back on us. They hesitate at any type of decision, they fall for your roommate because they believe that she is actually what they want, when in reality they don't know her at all. And they haven't taken the effort or time to get to know you at all either. They conjure up fantasies about women they meet, molding them in their minds to be the perfect mate for them, when in reality the woman they are forming is nothing like what they believe her to be. What they want her to be.
The women I know are just darn disappointed in men right now. I don't know if it's the shift that happened on December 21st, 2012 or if it's been happening for a long time. We've been steadily growing in power, increasingly loathe to put up with bullshit. We want men to make a decision, decide what they want, understand that we love this whole equality thing but there are things we need from them still! Strong arms, strong decisions, maleness. I'm not saying that women coming into power is a bad thing. I am stoked about this! I think it'll be wonderful when women make as much as men, when violence against women ends, when equality reigns. But I'm talking about a different sort of quality. The difference between men and women is marked, but it seems to be getting smaller all the time. We want to be treated mostly equally. Economically, socially, but not so much relationshiply. We still want chivalry, we still want flowers, we still want you to decide which restaurant we're going to and to surprise us with dates and to not put up with our bullshit.
And we're so tired of putting up with yours.
So stop being pussies, men. We want you to be real men, not indecisive mama's boys. Have a marked interest in us if you're interested. Ask us out on a date for chrissakes! Listen to us, respond to us, feel for us, and care for us. Hold us when we're sad, and know when we're sad! And quit pussyfooting around!
This was a slightly crazy slightly tipsty ramble of a eventful night. I believe that the Universe just gave me a swift bitchslap this evening, and I'm thankful and pissed about it all at the same time. Life has plans for me that don't involve certain people, and that's fine. I just need a reminder now and then that I am a wonderful person who deserves the very best and that somewhere, somehow, a man is going to come into my life who truly is deserving of me.
As I will, so mote it be
Shanti Elena
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