It's snowing right now, and it's cold. The wind is whipping the still bare trees around and blowing my numerous piles of leaves that rest in the ditches. It's a Tuesday afternoon, and I've been in North Carolina for a year.
What's that? A whole year? That's crazy! So many changes, so many choices, so many experiences have culminated in a 365 day period that is beginning again. I have another year here, and I'm excited and nervous about what this next will bring. Will I meet the man of my dreams? Will I get my book published? Will I not run out of money? (Meaning, will I find a decent job.) Will my cats survive, and how many small animals will they bring into the house this time? How many roadtrips will I get to go on? How many more can my Little Honda That Could survive? Will I survive quitting smoking without turning into an emotional wreck? Will I laugh and laugh til' my belly hurts and laugh some more? Will my pirate birthday party be a success?
This week I have been working on my party planning skills. I've painted a Jolly Roger using ancient old paint I found in the basement and a black tarp and a makeup brush. I've finished the yard, many many hours later, and the leaves no longer dominate the landscape. I've gathered firewood, I've put together a pirate costume, and I plan on grocery shopping to make my famous poppers for the masses. Perhaps I'll even make some vegetarian ones for the non flesh eaters. Today I cleaned the kitchen, dusted, and vacuumed. Sometime this week I think I'm going to Tennessee to help a friend get a truck. And next week I'm going on a serious for reals job hunt because I am seriously low on funds.
Because I'm going to be here a whole 'nother year, I want to extend a welcome to anyone who wants to come visit me. I don't know when I'll get to visit the PNW again, but I'd love to show anyone who wants around this beautiful part of the country.
Also, I've gotten about 540 dollars donated to my Publishing Conference that's happening in May. This is amazing, and I'm so humbled and delighted that so many people care so much about my happiness and success and just gosh darn believe in me. That is inspiration enough to get this silly book ball rolling.
I think that's about it for now. I'm gazing out the window and the snow is starting to accumulate. Happy Spring! So weird and bipolar this weather is! At least it's not humid yet :)
Peace, always
Love, forever
Snow, in Spring?
Shanti Elena
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