Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What's Up With Me (lately)

Today was a lovely day in good ol' Asheville.  I went on a great walk along the Warren Wilson river with my dear friends Kate and David and some pups.  Then we shared an ice cream sundae, isn't that cute!

Let's see, what else is going on in my world...My month of solitude ended when Kate came home and Mara moved in with her two kitties.  It's been interesting with the four cat adjustment period, which is still happening.  Mine are pretty much confined to my room and the outside, but they seem pretty happy mostly.  Mara also brought with her mad organizational energy and a boatload of plants, so our house is green and lovely.

My job that I was so excited about didn't pan out, which is for the best.  I'm currently on the hunt for another, but I'm thinking that full time 8-5 isn't really what I'm looking for.  We'll see what I find.

In wonderfully exciting news, there is a publishing conference in May that is in Fort Lauderdale Florida which I'm going to attend, thanks to the wonderful contributions from loved ones.  I still need a few hundred more dollars to make my goal, but I have recently purchased the ticket so I'm in either way.  Just have to figure out the most fiscal way to travel down there and sleep.  I'm hoping that this is exactly what I need to get my book out, and I just realized recently that I wrote my first book 10 years ago thereabouts.  Crazy!  It's so time to do this!

I've been having so much fun since Kate and Mara moved in, meeting new people and enjoying my life.  Been to a couple local shows, played some pool, went on a few hikes.  And at the end of this month I'm throwing a pirate birthday party for myself.  35 years young I'll be, wowza!  Trying not to think about this too hard.

Soon to come is a short story I'm planning on writing about ghosts and haunty places.  So don't worry, I'm still working on that creative energy I so desperately love to wrap around myself.

Peace, Love, Beautiful Weather, and Creativity

Shanti Elena

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