Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sleep is for the Birds...

It's just after midnight, and I'm still awake.  I've learned in the past few days that I'm actually part vampire, and therefore sleep much better during the day.  I plan to take a "nap" tonight at around one and sleep until three, then crash for about five hours when I get home tomorrow.  This is what happened last night and I feel better today for it.  It's been an interesting adjustment, and I'm hoping it'll all be worth it soon.  I actually get to work on the floor this morning instead of doing endless computer training, so that's very exciting. 

Also wanted to share this little tidbit with you all:

This is Hades with bird crap on his face.  I have no idea how it happened, but it's some funny stuff!
Also, Molly's tinctures are done tincturing in the dark closet and I documented the process of straining them.  It's video, so it'll have to wait until I upload those little gems.  But definitely cool.
I am very ready to visit home, ready for sunshine and no humidity.  It's supposed to be 86 degrees tomorrow with thunderstorms and the realfeel is supposed to be 101 degrees.  Super de Duper.  I'm excited to see my father tomorrow, and I hope that we have a relatively dry visit.  Until next I write,

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