Friday, January 3, 2014

Endings and Beginnings

Happy New Year and many happy returns to all!

It's time for a year in review, coupled with some searching of souls.  Let's start at the beginning.

January 2013...waiting for the great zombie apocalypse and dreaming of my big move.

February 2013...getting my ducks in a row and letting all know that I'm going to move across the country.

March 2013...quit my job of 12 years, wished my loved ones farewell, drove across the country and arrived in Candler/Asheville North Carolina, my new home.  Also celebrated my 34th birthday.

April-December 2013...decorated my new home, met many new friends, dated a few men, drove around with an old hound dog, his ears flapping in the wind, got rained on lots, swam despite this in Kate's pool, traveled to Charleston SC, Bristol Tennessee, Savannah Georgia, Toccoa Georgia, and along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  Laughed, learned, loved.  Drank whiskey more than I ever had, started a spin class at the gym, raked tons of leaves, weed whacked a ton of grass, had many fires, cooked real food for what feels like the first time (with onions!), started editing my first book, worked at Home Depot for a minute, had family visitors, started this blog.

I'm sure there's more, but you can read about it in my previous blogs if you so desire.

So now we're at December, and the adventures therein.  Molly, my dear friend and roommate, left us here to fend for ourselves without her and her darling Rufus.  She's returned to Wyoming, the land of big skies, cold winters, and cowboys.  She's going to teach those cowboys how to eat healthy and take herbs.  She's on her quest to change the world, one town at a time, beginning with Casper.  I will miss her terribly, but she's where she needs to be and I'm happy for her.

Kate and I are still here, though she is currently in Thailand teaching yoga.  She'll be there until the end of January, which leaves me alone for about a month.

The beginning of 2014 and I have much to accomplish.  I've also learned a few things and plan to put them to use.  Like how to cook healthy meals for myself.  I went grocery shopping today with that in mind, and came home with lots of greens.  They're good for you and you can actually enjoy them too!  I swear!  Another thing I learned is that I'm terrible at online dating.  I just so enjoy meeting new people that I forget that most people on an internet dating site want the romantic thing, and I end up leading them on when I just enjoy their company.  So I'm going to stop that for awhile.  I'm not quite desperate enough to hurt anyone else's feelings.
Instead I plan to do this blog thing, continue editing my book, and get a job.  Yikes, a job!  But seriously, I've had a bit of time off and my savings is telling me this in no uncertain terms.  I also plan to volunteer at the local animal shelter where I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall in love with a dog and take it home with me.  I also plan to spend some time with friends, listen to good music, and enjoy my bed.  Did I mention that I've been gone for a couple of weeks?  I slept SO well last night!  Especially because I landed to a snow/ice storm and my ride couldn't get me, and the power at the airport kept going out, and finally I got a taxi with a nice lady in the same predicament and made it home two hours after I landed.  Oh well, it was an adventure.

My trip home was fantastic, and I got to see so many people who I care about.  I love visiting home, and I love coming back here.  Strange how that works.

There is most assuredly more to come, and I'm very excited to see what this year is going to bring into my life.  And what I will do and where I will go and who I will meet.  The adventure continues, my friends!  As does the journey.  I hope you all are enjoying your journeys as much as I'm enjoying mine!

With love and hope and happiness in the New Year

Shanti Elena

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