Thursday, November 28, 2013


I was asked what five of my favorite things were tonight.  I realized that I have many many favorite things.  It's a cool thing to think about, how much about this world and this existence that I enjoy.  New friends, old friends, all dear.  Family and pets and a warm cozy house and a fire and fresh sheets and stars.  If only I had a hot tub things would be perfect! 

I'm thankful for so much, but I'm hard pressed to express all of these things in writing.  The list would go on and on and with the advent of the Facebook thankfulness countdown I also don't want to appear a copycat.  So instead I'll just say that cheese is one of the things I'm thankful for and leave it at that for now.

We went to a show last weekend where Kate and a bunch of my other friends played music and sang and it was wonderful.  I also got to meet Kate's parents, a lovely couple who we enjoyed so much!  Houseguests are fun! 

Lorraine, Danny, and Kate.  Plus Emmylou, Dali, and Gram

Owen and Kate

So magical when they sing together!

The future is inching up on me and I know that when I visit home the question will happen.  "When are you coming home?"  Or perhaps "What are you planning to do next year?"  And the only answer I'll have is "I don't know."  More probably it will be "Getting a job and publishing a book."  Because both of those things are happening.  Besides that, I'm just not sure.  Cannot predict what will happen as I'm not a soothsayer.  Life is an adventure and I'm strapped in for the ride.  Dude.

The great unknown is sort of what drives me, the seeing what's around the next corner.  I wonder sometimes if I'll ever be ready to settle down, buy a house, etc.  The enticement isn't big enough for me yet to do that.  This is a time of discovery, of seeing who I am without the comforts, of recognizing my strengths and weaknesses and building on the former while breaking down the latter.  Already in my time here I've done so much and seen so much that would have been out of my reach previously, for whatever reason.  Mostly I had to be in a place in my head where I was ready for it.  I'm more there now than I've ever been.  I'm ready for what is around the corner.  I'm still scared sometimes, my self consciousness still rears it's head, but I've accomplished so much in actually just getting in my car and leaving all the known behind that there isn't a whole lot that I believe I can't do these days.  That in itself is reason enough to stick to my guns. 

I hope this Thanksgiving brought everyone happiness, a semblance of peace, and a full belly.  I can't wait to visit home, I can't wait to see people I love, and I can't wait to enjoy life some more.

Yours in tranquility and peacefulness

Shanti Elena

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